
Based in Lafayette, LA;
serving clients worldwide

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Ladies 30-Day reset

Get ready to discover more joy, patience, motivation, and happiness without even thinking about your next drink..

Finding freedom from alcohol is a click away.

All of a sudden, that nightly glass to take the edge off had turned to two and then to three.  I never would have used the word 'alcoholic' to describe myself, but my dependency on the relaxation that wine gave me was stronger than my will power to give it up. I took breaks here and there, but always had FOMO and would count down the days until the 'break' was over.

As a Licensed Therapist, I recognized the effects drinking was having on my mental and physical health - my fuse was shorter with my kids and husband, my sleep was terrible, I couldn't stick to a diet, and I had little motivation to get to the gym anymore.

But yet, I kept turning to wine for relaxation! I felt like I was stuck in a trap!  

One day I had enough and that's when I took action and learned the tools I needed to stop letting alcohol run my life the way it may be running yours. Now I'm on a mission to help women become their best selves - without the guilt and shame alcohol can bring.

I was a busy mom with a love for  
A glass of wine, until i started noticing a problem.

My story is probably a lot like yours.

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Twelve one on one calls where we dive deep into taking a break from alcohol...and transform your life!



sober curious? Let's dig deeper!

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Join other ladies who want to take a 30-day break from alcohol with support and without relying only on willpower.  

30-Day Reset

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After years of trying to get out of the alcohol trap, I had a breakthrough that changed my life and I am here to help you do the same. As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with 25 years of experience helping people reach their goals, my signature one on one program can help you feel joy, peace, freedom, and empowerment without relying on alcohol.  

certified This Naked Mind Institute + Intrinsic Solutions Coaching

Former wine loving therapist turned sober-curious coach.

mother - wife - tiktoker and swiftie

Hi, I'm Renee Richards!


"Talking with Renee made me feel totally heard and she taught me so much about why alcohol had such a hold on me.  As a mom of three, I'm grateful for her wisdom and her support to leave my mom-wine-era." — Courtney P.

"She understood exactly what I meant when I said I got caught in a cycle.."

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Read over what we will work through during our 1:1 program to take you from feeling helpless to thriving.

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A free, no-pressure call will help us clarify your goals and decide if my program would be a good fit for you!

book a free discovery call

The next step could be the start of a healing journey.